Thursday, March 6
8:30 am Delegates enter the POWERHOUSE THEATRE – get delegate bags & t-shirts
8:45 am Opening Ceremonies
9:10 am Delegates depart for first workshop
9:30 – 10:50 Workshop #1
10:50 Move to Lunch Trucks at Powerhouse
11:00 – 12:00 LUNCH – Pre ordered FOOD TRUCK meal
12:00 – 1:20 pm Workshop #2
1:20 pm Move to next workshop (snack will be provided)
1:40 – 3:00 pm Workshop #3
Dinner break and technical rehearsals (to be determined)
6:00 pm Delegates enter POWERHOUSE THEATRE for evening performances
Friday, March 7
8:30 am Delegates enter the POWERHOUSE THEATRE
8:45 am Morning Announcements and Warm-Up
9:10 am Delegates depart for first workshop
9:30 – 10:50 Workshop #4
10:50 Move to Lunch Trucks
11:00 – 12:00 LUNCH – Pre ordered FOOD TRUCK meal
12:00 – 1:20 pm Workshop #5
1:20 pm Move to next workshop (snack will be provided)
1:40 – 3:00 pm Workshop #6
Dinner break and technical rehearsals (to be determined)
6:00 pm Delegates enter POWERHOUSE THEATRE for evening performances
Saturday, March 8
8:00 – 10:00 am Pancake Breakfast at ELK’S HALL
8:00 am sitting: LV Rogers, Seven Summits, Rossland Summit, Mount Sentinel, JL Crowe
9:00 am sitting: PVSS, JL Jackson, VSS, KAL, Seaton, OKM
10:00 am Pancake Breakfast clean up and Move to last workshop
10:30 – 11:50 Workshop #7
12:00 – 2:00 Lunch on your own and INTENSIVE TECH REHEARSALS
12:00 – 12:35 CHORAL
12:40 – 1:15 AFFAIR of HONOR
1: 20 – 1:50 IMPROV MUSICAL
2:00 pm Delegates enter POWERHOUSE THEATRE for MATINEE SHOWCASE and Closing Ceremonies